Helping experienced and first-time developers raise structured finance, with ongoing support.

What is Development Finance?

Development Finance in the UK is available for experienced property professionals and, in recent times, also for non experienced and entry level property developers.

How is Development finance used?

It is used as short term funding to build, renovate or convert a property or development of any size, be it residential, commercial or mixed use.

The loan is secured as a first charge against the site/project and the financing will be determined on the Gross Development Value (GDV) – This is what the site/project will be worth at completion.

Property development finance can cover the purchase (or refinance) of a development site in addition to build costs, plus the interest and fees.

It can be used a variety of different scenarios, such as the new build of both residential and commercial projects, mixed use developments (residential with commercial element), student accommodation, office blocks, industrial units, hotels, holiday homes, large housing estates, smaller house developments, block of flats, care homes and care villages to name a few.

How does Development Finance Work?

The first stage would be to obtain funding to purchase the site. If the site has been purchased then a possible refinance will be required. The lender would normally give you a percentage towards this and request some contribution from you.

The second stage of lending would be for the build of your project. In many cases and dependant on the deal being presented, lenders may fund 100% of the build cost on a stage payment basis (this means they will release the monies for the build project in phases. This can be monthly or quarterly depending on the project).

Depending on your project, a lender may request monthly or quarterly visits from their surveyor. This will be to monitor the project and ensure it is coming along as it should be.

What can development finance be used for?

This type of finance has become more liquid over the years with specialist, private and alternative lenders entering the market, making it more competitive with a range of loans available.

Each and every project will be different and will be uniquely packaged and presented to ensure you obtain the most competitive rates and terms to fund your project.

At London FS we have access to the whole of market for your development project. Offering our clients a full spectrum of choice in senior debt loans. Our primary goal is to provide the best terms to suit your position now and at the exit stage. We can look at the following type of development finance:

  • Residential new builds (regulated funding)
  • Commercial and mixed use
  • High-end self build projects
  • Hotel development
  • HMO Conversions / heavy refurbishments
  • Care Homes and Villages
  • 100% funding in some cases, no restrictions on geographical area
  • Refinancing for exits
  • Charity development funding

Property Development - Things to consider

Development loans are very much a scenario specific type of lending. Here are a few things you should consider:

The Term

The term of your financing will depend but can be between 6-48 months.

Repayment of the Development Loan

Property development finance is on an interest-only basis, the interest is accumulated into the loan. This allows the developer to focus on the project and to know the funding side is in hand and will be paid back on completion of the project.

Planning permission

Land can be available with planning permission, with outline planning permission or with out planning at all. Lenders will look at deals without planning but may restrict their contribution and loan to value to reflect this, also taking into consideration market conditions.

Exit Strategy

Your exit strategy – what are your plans once the project is completed. This is absolutely essential and one of the most important factors that affect your terms.


Experienced developers, who can prove a successful track record will benefit from favourable terms.

There are many lenders who now look at first time property developers. Having an experienced team, such as architects/project manager and build team are essential. You will need to convince the lender you have the ability and structure in place to develop/refurbish your project successfully.


Every development funding line is unique and different. There are many variables that effect what rate, fees and exit terms the lender will offer. Things to consider are: Risk, Experience, Location and resale/refinance options to name a few.


Quality projects that are planned, structured and backed up by experience can achieve rates from 4-5% with slightly more specialist lending ranging between 6-8%. Higher risk projects can come in at rates circa 10%.


Factor your Architects costs, pre-planning/planning costs, VAT, Warranties and Utilities.


Expect to pay anything between 1-2% in lender and broker fees. Costs to cover valuations, ongoing monitoring and non utilisation fees may apply.

Exit fees may apply depending on your deal, however these maybe mitigated if we can place the lending with the same lender on a term loan as an exit route. Also exit fees will only be payable on funds drawn down.

100% Development Finance

Your financial contribution to your own project will bare impact on the financing. The money you are putting in will show the lender your commitment. This in hand helps with reducing the lenders risk and in return can offer more flexible terms.

Can I get a 100% Development Loan?

London FS have access to funders who will lend 100% of land and build cost. This type of funding is generally through a Joint Venture (JV) scheme. This is where the our funding institutions lend 100% for land and build costs and in return take an equity share in the project, with an agreed percentage of the profit once the development has been completed.

Speak to an advisor

To understand the what the right finance is for you, speak to one of our team, who will provide full support throughout the process. Our clients range from first time developers to experienced developers looking for complex development finance.

How can we help with your property development project?

We like to keep things simple and easy for our clients. Our team provide you with the support and experience to arrange your funding. To get an idea of what you can borrow and what rate we request you get in touch.


  • Information on the project. It would be extremely helpful is you have a [Development Appraisal and Detailed Build cost & Cash Flow]
  • A copy of the Planning Permission [if present. If not the proposed scheme will do] and
  • Details of your experience.
  • Personal Asset and Liability Statements for the Borrower(s)
  • Company details (if applicable)
  • Copy of Sales Particulars/Valuation [if available]
  • CV’s for the Borrower(s) [including previous experience]
  • Planning details
  • Financial appraisal
  • Confirmation of number of units, storeys, square footage and number of bedrooms in each property
  • Contractors details
  • Details of any section 106 agreement (if applicable)
  • Any information which may support the estimate of Gross Development Value (GDV) such as SOLD comparables
  • Solicitors’ details

Property Development Finance - Next steps:

If you are a developer or thinking of taking the next step into development projects, we provide flexible development finance, from 100% financing to structured, complex loans in the UK. Speak to us to have an experienced team, guide and support your project.

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